Analysis paralysis cures for small business owners

Analysis paralysis cures for small business owners - don't get hit by the ballYou see the ball flying toward you, but you somehow can’t get out of the way. You’re too busy looking at all the other options – run, jump, dive, heck, even duck. All you need to do is stick your glove in front of the ball, but you can’t even do that. You can’t move a muscle.

And then the ball socks you right in the jaw.


Actually, let’s emphasize that a little. OUCH! (Add !*&#&^ % if it fits, too.)

That sort of paralysis on the playing field can happen in your business too. And, while it may not break your jaw, it can really hurt.

If you’re like a lot of small business owners, you may suffer from analysis paralysis. That’s where you’re so busy analyzing what’s going on and worrying about where to go that you stop making any moves at all.

Perhaps you’ve had one of those mornings where you look at consulting business advice, flip over to the news headlines, panic a little at the economy, hit refresh on your email, Google for marketing tips, log on to Twitte in hopes of finding salvation…you’re thinking a lot, but not much is getting done.

That sort of analysis paralysis can hurt your business.

But there’s help available. Right below here on the same page, in fact.

Six cures for analysis paralysis in small business

1.      Breathe

Take a deep breath. And let it go. Then take another. And let it go. Just simple and focused. It’s the very first thing you ever learned to do after you were born. And going back to it once in a while can help you regain your focus.

2.      Consider the cost of stalling

If you’re stuck, not much is getting done. What’s it costing you to not be moving forward? Start thinking about what it’s costing you to be stuck and you may realize it’s easier to take a step.

3.      Abandon perfection

Few things need to be perfect. Sure, I’m not going to tell you to put bad stuff out into the world. But getting it right doesn’t have to mean getting it perfect. Just get it out there. Refine as you go along.

4.      Define your goal

If you’re stuck, it’s surely on the way to somewhere. Find one goal you want to move toward. Make that your focus, not the analysis leading up to it.

5.      Figure out the steps on the way to that goal – then take a step.

Put together an action plan for meeting your goal. Then choose the first step and go for it. You won’t move forward if you don’t take a step. (Read about SMART goals, if this is new to you.)

6.      Get support

When you’re questioning your every move, sometimes it makes sense to solicit feedback from your inner circle. You’re your own worst critic. So talk to some people who can look at what you’re doing through fresh eyes.

 What’s keeping you from moving ahead?