It’s St. Patrick’s Day, which has me thinking about all things green. And, speaking of green, are you someone who falls prey to consulting envy?
If you’re self-employed (or even just thinking about it), it’s easy to think everyone else is doing better than you are. I know I’ve fallen into this trap. I frequently compare my business to that of a friend. But my friend doesn’t even work in consulting! She doesn’t have a business model remotely similar to mine. Yet I often find myself comparing my own business to how well I perceive hers to be doing.
Guess what, though? I recently discovered that I make more money than my friend does. And I found out that her business costs are much higher than mine. See what a waste my envy was?
If you’re lying awake at night, thinking you’re not up to snuff because you assume others are earning far more, try a new strategy. Look at what others are doing and figure out a way to learn from them. Because of my friend, I’ve branched into new business areas. I’ve come up with a modified business model that allows me to generate recurring revenue, for example. So, while envy on its own isn’t a good idea, learning from others’ success can help you grow.