Last month, we bought a personal video recorder (PVR). I tend to be very frugal — perhaps as a result of being self-employed — so this was a rare treat for us. All month, I’ve been singing the praises of our PVR. As a break from the usual discussion here at Consultant Journal, I thought I’d share my excitement:
- We can pause live television
- We can start watching something before it finishes recording
- We can hit "replay" to see a great shot or play again during live games
- We can use our cable company’s built-in guide to plan recordings
- We can set up recordings of series, even telling the PVR not to save repeat episodes
I bought the PVR after meeting some earnings targets for 2007. What a great reward!
Ha…thanks. I don’t quite watch that much TV, but it sure is nice to be able to watch movies when we want. We have two little ones now and it’s hard to coordinate with the movie channel or get out to the video store. The PVR has made movies accessible once again! 🙂
Andrea – Congratulations for hitting your numbers and joining the TV recording club. I wrote a post on the benefits of recording tv found here:
supportanalytics .com / blog /2007/03/ how-much-do-you-charge-for-an-hour/
By just being able to skip commercials, I estimate the average person can save 30 hours a month. Lets say for simplicity you charge $50 per hour. You just gained $1,500 in potential billing hours or 30 more hours of quality time with the family.