Several great things happened to me yesterday. I’ll share a few of those things with you now.
My graphic designer delivered new covers for Discover Your Inner Consultant and Consulting Fees: A Guide for Independent Consultants. I think these new graphics do a much better job of conveying the content you’ll receive. I’m working on imbedding the graphics into the actual PDFs now.
I also received a parcel yesterday. My sample print copy of Consulting Fees came in the mail. I’m really impressed with the print copy. Now that I have the new covers, I’m going to work on establishing print versions of my materials.
Finally, I’m getting ready to launch a new course called Become a Consultant: How to Make the Leap. Many of you have asked me for help in getting your consulting businesses off the ground. I hope to soon have a full course available, just to help you with this process. In the meantime, take a look around the blog — I’ve got 1,100 posts now.
Thanks for your oingoing support. I’m thrilled to be able to help so many other people with their consulting dreams.
Lots of exciting changes on the horizon. Congratulations!
Love those new covers!! Your graphic designer did a great job.