Ah, New Year’s Eve! If you haven’t already started thinking about your New Year’s resolution, take a few minutes today to do so. Last year, I forecast big things for 2007. I hoped for a fortuitous year. Even though my husband, child and I were in a car accident last year, many other things turned out well. I’ve been especially pleased with the growth of Consultant Journal — I’m pleased to offer a resource for others interested in surviving and thriving as consultants.
Just before last New Year’s, I said I’d blog naked in 2007. I hope I’ve been able to accomplish that. I told you about home office isolation, cashing my first cheque, the time I made $500 an hour and my struggles with turning down work. If I’ve done it right, I’ve brought a little more of myself into my posts, while still writing articles so that they go beyond my own experience.
Still, 2008 is just around the corner. Stay tuned for more resolutions!