Andrea Coutu

Director, Consultant Journal

Expert consultants – How they got there

Expert consultants – wondering how they got there? Here’s a quick overview of some founders of top consulting firms, where they came from and how they got there.

Tom Peters:

Tom Peters started out with a master’s degree in civil engineering, but he later studied business at Stanford, receiving both an MBA and a PhD. After spending some time in the navy and working at the White House […]

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7 reasons to own a niche

1. Expertise

When you own a niche you are perceived as an expert in that niche. (And you will become an expert in that niche over time, if you aren’t already.) Customers feel more confident when they perceive you as an expert, and it’s easier to stand out in one area.

2. Clear elevator pitch

We’ve all met individuals at networking functions who stammer, “I’m a creative writer, but also do social media. And I love helping businesses with their financial books. And I sell audio files on the internet.” When we hear someone with such a diverse range of interests and skills, it can be difficult to know what type of work to hire this consultant for, so we don’t end up hiring them at all.

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Internet Killed the Video Store

Blockbuster has announced it’s closing stores. Here’s a little ditty I wrote in honour of the video store. I suppose I was truly a child of the 80s and I remember watching Video Killed the Radio Star over and over during lunch in my fifth grade class room. (Our teacher would record MTV and bring it in. To keep it educational, we had to write a test at the end. Even now, I can tell you obscure details about videos from that time.) Video Killed the Radio Star was the first video ever played on MTV, by the way.

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Turning around toxic client situations

Turning around toxic client situations is sometimes necessary. Turning around toxic client situations for the better may be your only option, especially if your client isn’t quite toxic enough to be fired completely. Turning around toxic client situations may seem difficult–and sometimes even impossible. But your success depends heavily on your attitude, which you can control.

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Identifying toxic clients

Identifying toxic clients is a valuable skill. Toxic clients are rarely worth the money because they can sap your energy, time and patience. Frequently, it’s possible to identify early warning signs, but we don’t act on them and tend to continue working with the client anyway. But over the long-term most of us wish we’d trusted our initial instincts and avoided working with the toxic client in the first place.

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