Tutoring rate ranges vary from city to city. Establishing your tutoring rate can seem somewhat daunting if you’ve never had to set a rate before. Check out how to set consulting fees as a more formal guide to establishing a rate. In the meantime, here are some ways to figure out what to charge for tutoring — something that many consultants do as a way to generate an extra revenue stream.
Five tips for setting a tutoring rate
- Ask around. What do other people charge? What does the local university say is standard?
- Check bulletin boards and Craiglist. What are other people charging?
- Compare your service. Do you have more education than others? More experience? Less? Special skills in key areas?
- Consider your target market. If you target a wealthy area of town, there may be more disposable income available for tutoring than in a poorer area.
- Review your educational background. What special skills and training do you have? Someone with a PhD can usually charge a lot more than someone with a BA.
Again, figuring out a tutoring rate is pretty similar to setting a rate for consulting fees.
By the way, the skills you need to be a tutor overlap with those in consulting. Instead of making $25 or $50 an hour, why not Discover Your Inner Consultant?
Our tutors get paid starting at $15/hour. However, pay rate may be higher depending on (1) experience and background of tutor, (2) nature of subject, (3) distance tutor has to travel, (4) learning disabilities that the student may have.
Good post on setting tutoring rates.
Another important factor in setting tutoring rates is the group size for tutoring. One-on-one tutoring can command higher rates than small groups or classroom type tutoring.