Getting a business credit card is just another step in the process of becoming a consultant.
Financial institutions are becoming increasingly accustomed to offering financial products to consultants. But if you’re considering getting a business credit card, it’s simplest to apply for credit cards or lines of credit before making the leap into consulting full-time.
If you no longer have an employer, don’t worry. It’s still possible to get a business credit card as a consultant, although the application process may be a little more thorough.
As with any financial product, your credit rating is important. If you’re considering getting a credit card for business, obtain a free copy of your credit report to see where you stand.
If your credit report shows areas where you can improve, take action to improve your rating. Besides, it’s wise to get your financial house in order no matter what your plans.
Once you’ve been approved for a business credit card, make sure to keep on top of payments. Try to pay everything off at the end of the month. If that’s not possible, be sure to pay down your high interest loans and cards first.
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