Consulting contract examples are something that some consultants don’t take much time to consider. I mean, you’re a new consultant. You’re busy building your expert-status, finding new clients, and meeting your clients’ needs. As a result, for some passionate consultants, the financial and legal aspects of their business take a back-seat. But contracts are a key to your business.
You need contracts. Contracts protect you, and they help your client understand what’s involved and included in your work.
Most consultants work from a basic consulting contract example, which they modify for each new project or client. Since you’ll be reusing this contract again and again, you’ll want to start with a solid consulting contract example that you can trust.
Generally, consultants work with a lawyer to draft a basic consulting contract example template. But it’s not always necessary to go that route. In fact, I considered working with a lawyer to draft my templates, but, having reviewed what US Legal Forms has to offer, I decided not to reinvent the wheel.
Remember, asking your clients to sign a contract is not interpreted as an inconvenience; the fact that you require a signed contract establishes your professionalism. So don’t shy away from using consulting contracts.
Get yourself a solid consulting contract example from a trusted source, like US Legal Forms. That way, both you and your client will be protected.
Related posts:
- Sample consulting estimate
- Sample consulting invoice
- Why you need a contract
- Where to buy contract templates
- Get a contract and deposit before you start work
- What you need to know about contracts
- Consulting fees: A guide for independent consultants